Women's Intuition

Women's Intuition

Client: Nike

Task: Come up with an experiential idea for Nike that encourages young girls to get into basketball.
Insight: Nothing gets past a woman.

Idea: Nike and the WNBA recognize that the initial association with the WNBA is often centered around being a player. However, girls have a range of options to explore beyond athleticism—options that demand keen attention to detail, and critical thinking, and align seamlessly with the innate intuitiveness of women.

Execution: Nike and the WNBA have developed the "Women's Intuition" interactive workshop, acknowledging and harnessing a woman's natural instincts. This program transforms these instincts into essential skills for coaching or refereeing roles, which demand serious attention to detail. The workshops are led and taught by the industry's most tenured women coaches and referees. Creating a direct pipeline from student to professional for young women looking to get involved in basketball.




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